

Take care of you and your baby with the best nutrition.

Is there a baby in your future?

Then there is no more important time than now to give extra attention to what you and your partner are eating and how you take care of yourselves.

According to experts, a woman's pre-conceptional nutritional status and dietary intake during her early weeks of pregnancy can critically influence the course and outcome of pregnancy. 

Similarly, a man's sperm is impacted by his nutritional status: count, motility, morphology and even the silent problem of DNA fragmentation can be improved with better nutrition. 


Your obstetrician, midwife, or reproductive specialist may have provided you with basic information about what to eat for a successful pregnancy, along with a prescription or recommendation for a prenatal vitamin. But you want more than basic information, you want guidance tailored to your personal needs.


You and your partner may have researched online optimal dietary patterns for conception and pregnancy. But, like the couples I work with, you probably found contradictory information and are not sure which plan to follow.

I work with women and their partners to ensure that there are no gaps in their nutritional intake. I work to ensure that you will have the best possible outcome for you and your baby.

I want your family to have the best start in life. This can make all the difference in how you and your partner experience parenthood.

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